Hopefully we can answer your questions!

Frequently Asked Questions

Fort William First Nation First Response is a volunteer Medical First Response Team operating within Fort William First Nation 187 just outside of Thunder Bay, Ontario.

Our team provides emergency medical response to 911 calls within our community. When a 911 call is called in within Fort William First Nation, our team is paged and responds to limit the long response times from a city ambulance.

Simply go to the Recruitment page and read the Eligibility Guidelines page as well as the Recruitment Process page prior to submitting your application!

Fill out the application and follow the directions on the Recruitment page!

Our team is currently a volunteer team, this means our First Responders are not paid but volunteer their time to provide emergency medical services to the community!

Once you complete the Recruitment Process, you will be tasked with responding to 911 calls that are called within the area of Fort William First Nation.

You will be the First Responder arriving on scene to provide critical medical interventions that may save someones life.

You will not only respond to emergency calls but you will also attend medical coverage duties, disaster response calls and other public related tasks.

You do not need to have any previous experience in the medical field or in a First Response team! You do not need any form of medical training as well.

We are open to allowing anyone join our team no matter your knowledge or understanding in the medical field! We will provide the mandatory training required to join our team.


" Saving & Empowering Lives In Our Community. "


90 Anemki Drive
Fort William First Nation
Ontario, Canada